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发布时间:2015-12-09 浏览量:



The Perspective of Sustainable Energy in 21st Century

Yitung Chen

Department of Mechanical Engineering

University of Nevada-Las Vegas

Abstract: Fossil fuels on the earth will eventually be consumed by mankind. The developing countries need more energy sources to support their economic development and improve the quality of daily life. The air pollution or environmental contaminant problem is a serious concern when we continuously use the fossil fuels for transportation, heating and cooking, electricity, etc. The sustainable energy sources such like solar, wind, geothermal, tidal, wave, or energy carrier such like hydrogen have their specific advantages and disadvantages. In this talk, each possible energy source or carrier with their pros and cons will be discussed from a wide viewpoint.

Bio: Dr. Yitung Chen is Professor of Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Nevada-Las Vegas (UNLV) and an ASME Fellow. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Utah in 1991. He has received more than $13.75M research funding from the U.S. DOE, NSF, DOD, EPA, NASA, NOAA, and private sectors. He has published 2 books, 6 book chapters, and more than 90 journal articles and 250 peer-review professional conference proceedings related to the experimental and computational of thermal/fluid and energy conservation, with outstanding contributions to the solar and nuclear hydrogen production, high temperature heat exchanger and decomposer design, corrosion modeling using cellular automaton and molecular dynamics, solar cell designs, fuel cells, biomedical, etc. He has received many awards including Alex G. and Faye Spanos Distinguished Teaching Award which is the highest teaching award at UNLV, Barrick Distinguished Scholar Award which is the highest scholar award at UNLV, Distinguished Professor of the Year 2012” of the Tau Beta Pi Honor Engineering Society, Outstanding Faculty Award, and Distinguished Teacher Award during his tenure at UNLV. He was appointed as Associate Technical Director of Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative (NHI) Program at UNLV in 2006. He is also Co-Director of Center for Energy Research at UNLV. He was the President-elected of the Chinese in America Thermal Engineering Association (CATEA) in 2010.


Applications Utilizing Tailored Radiative Properties

Radiative properties (absorptance, emittance, reflectance, and transmittance) of a bulk material can be significantly tailored using micro/nanostructures, whose characteristic lengths are close to or smaller than the wavelength of radiation. These tailored properties can exhibit unique wavelength-dependence and direction-sensitivity for realizing novel applications or enhancing performance of currently available devices. Optoelectronics, energy harvesting, bio-chemical sensing, information security, and in-line defects identification can all be much benefited. The lecture is going to explain working principles and functions of selected examples, which have been employed by the speaker. Some fabricated samples and experimental set-ups demonstrating unique radiative properties for mentioned applications will also be covered.

Speaker Biography

Dr. Yu-Bin Chen is currently a professor of Department of Mechanical Engineering and an adjunct associate researcher of Research Center for Energy Technology and Strategy at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from National Taiwan University in 1998 and 2000, respectively. He then finished PhD degree in 2007 at the George Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. Dr. Chen’s research interests cover radiative heat transfer, optics and photonics, energy utilization, micro/nano-fabrication, and design of high-precision mechanisms. He has authored/co-authored 37 SCI indexed journal papers and given 28 invited talks. He was a recipient multiple awards, including Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing from Elsevier in 2015, K.T. Li Research Award from NCKU in 2014, Outstanding Mechanical Engineering Young Faculty from CSME in 2014, Outstanding Reviewer of Journal of Heat Transfer from ASME in 2013, Outstanding Young Mechanical Engineer from CSME in 2013, Outstanding Young Scholar Award from NSC in Taiwan in 2012, and the Best Poster of International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology in 2011. He has served as a reviewer of over 20 SCI indexed journals and an editorial board member of 2 journals. He is now a principle investigator of one national project (21 million NTD), one internationally collaborative (Taiwan-Korea) project (1.4 million NTD), and one outstanding young researcher project (3.7 million NTD) supported by MOST, Taiwan.
