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UCB(加州大学伯克利分校)Per Peterson教授讲座通知

发布时间:2015-12-08 浏览量:

应米兰网页版,米兰(中国),米兰(中国)核科学与技术系-反应堆热工水力实验室(NuTHeL)秋穗正教授的邀请,美国UCB(加州大学伯克利分校)工程学院副院长Per Peterson教授于2015年12月14日至12月16日来我校进行学术访问,并在此期间举行学术讲座,欢迎各位老师和同学届时参加讲座并讨论交流。


讲座内容:Development of Nuclear technology at UCB (Fluoride-salt-cooled High temperature Reactor Project)



Per Peterson教授简介:

Per Peterson教授及其领导的热工水力实验室主要在能源与环境问题方面开展了广泛的研究,主要包含高温堆的设计分析,高放射性水平核废料的后处理以及核材料辐照研究。此外,他还是熔盐冷堆高温堆(第四代新型反应堆,简称FHR)概念的第一提出人,承担了两期FHR高校联合计划(UCB-MIT-UW),推动FHR在美国的发展,并协助中国上海应用物理研究所开展钍基熔盐堆的实验研究。


Per Peterson performs research related to high-temperature fission energy systems, as well as studying topics related to the safety and security of nuclear materials and waste management. He recently participated as a member of the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future, which provided recommendations on a new path forward for U.S. policy to manage high level waste and spent fuel. He has also participated on National Research Council committees providing advice on a variety of nuclear-related topics. He has served as a member and chair of numerous advisory committees for the national laboratories, including LLNL, LANL, INL, ORNL, and PNNL. He participated in the development of the Generation IV Roadmap in 2002 as a member of the Evaluation Methodology Group, and currently co-chairs its Proliferation Resistance and Physical Protection Working Group. His research in the 1990's contributed to the development of the passive safety systems used in the GE ESBWR and Westinghouse AP-1000 reactor designs. Currently his research group focuses primarily on heat transfer, fluid mechanics, regulation and licensing for high temperature reactors, principally designs that use liquid fluoride salts as coolants.
