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发布时间:2015-12-15 浏览量:

应能源与动力工程学院所属核科学与技术学院王盛教授、胡华四教授之邀,日本理化学研究所中子技术开发研究室主任大竹淑惠(Otake Yoshie)研究员以及该所须长秀行(Hideyuki Sunaga )研究员将访问我校,并给我们带来两场精彩的学术报告:

1RIKEN compact neutron source for practical use and XJTU-RIKEN collaboration

RIKEN accelerator-driven compact neutron source (RANS) has been operated since 2013 and has been proved its higr potential to be used on-site. RANS is one of the first compact neutron sources which are developed especially as industrial use for development in the field of manufacturing, and as non-destructive inspections on-site. In this talk, several practical applications with RANS including the visualization of the corrosion with wet-dry process under the film in the steel and alloy sample, inspection of texture change of the steel before and after deformation, and so on.

Based on RANS, the transportable compact neutron source with the large area detector and the health diagnostic system of the infrastructure is now being developed. The design of target station and the neutron beam line shielding structure have been studied and estimated by Prof. S.Wang. The research collaboration with XJTU and RIKEN is now going on and opening new innovation field in the world.





2Computational actual product deformation analysis based on non-destructivemeasurement

RIKEN has successfully developed a novel CAD system named as V-CAD, which can input not only design data (data in brain), but also actual data by measurement, such as by X-ray scan and neutron radiography. The measured data also can be used as input data for modeling and simulation by CAE software based on V-CAD platform. In this talk, the V-CAD system will be introduced and its application to actual product deformation analysis based on non-destruction measurement by X-ray and neutron radiography will be displayed.




