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李琛教授(Chen Li)学术讲座

发布时间:2018-05-29 浏览量:

应热流科学与工程教育部重点实验室的邀请,李琛教授(Chen Li)来校访问并做学术讲座。

时间:2018年5月30日9:30-11:00 AM


讲座题目:Some Highlights of Research in Micro/Nanoscale Two-Phase Transport

摘要:Two-phase transport is promising in addressing the cooling challenges facing high power microelectronics. However, it is extremely challenging owing to the fact that two-phase transport performance is primarily governed and also limited by the detrimental aspects of complex two-phase flow in conventional channels. Two-phase transport at micro/nanoscale becomes more unpredictable due to the unfavorable size effect. Over the past several decade, extensive progress has been made in understanding two-phase transport on various microchannel designs and configurations. Driven by the intrinsic scientific interest and needs of emerging applications, it is highly desirable to realize a favorable control of complex two-phase flows and then heat transfer in microchannels.

   Most recently, Dr. Li’s group has devised several novel micro/nanoscale fluidic control methods. Through designing novel micro/nanoscale structures, these methods can (a) passively generate sustainable and on-demanding mixing in the laminar flow regime in microchannels, and (b) intentionally reduce transitional two-phase flow regimes into a single and favorable flow regime for better heat transfer performance and flow characteristics. Drastic enhancements have been demonstrated without compromise. In this talk, Dr. Li will give a brief of his research program and share his recent progresses in understanding micro/nanoscale fluidic control methods developed in his research.

讲座人介绍:李琛目前任美国南卡罗来纳大学机械工程系正教授,国际传热传质中心理事会成员。2006年8月,获得了伦斯勒理工学院机械工程系博士学位,2009年,在南卡罗来纳大学机械工程系担任助理教授,2017年任正教授。李教授曾获得学术奖和荣誉头衔多项,如SC州政府年轻研究员奖、南卡罗来纳大学突破之星、南卡罗来纳大学工程与计算学院2017年研究进步奖,ASME ICNMM 2016年杰出青年事业奖,CEC青年研究员研究奖等。他的研究得到USC、 DOD/ONR、NSF、DOD/DARPA、NASA、EPRI和DOE/ORNL的支持超过五百万美元。

