应米兰网页版,米兰(中国),米兰(中国)制冷与低温工程系鱼剑琳教授的邀请,瑞典KTH(皇家理工学院)能源技术系主任Björn Palm教授于10月15日至10月21日来我校进行学术访问,并在期间举行学术讲座,欢迎各位老师和同学届时参加讲座并讨论交流。
讲座一:Low GWP refrigerants
讲座二:Low charge refrigeration systems and Heat transfer in evaporation in narrow channels and compact heat exchangers
Björn Palm教授简介:
瑞典皇家理工学院能源技术系主任Björn Palm教授及其团队在热力学、制冷、纳米流体、微通道流动与传热方面,特别是近年在喷射制冷及纳米流体等方面开展了有特色的研究,在国际制冷领域有着知名的影响。
Head of Department of Energy Technology
Swedish national delegate in the International Institute of Refrigeration
National delegate of Eurotherm
Research Topics
Cooling of electronic components by two-phase thermosyphon systems
Efficient evaporators for domestic refrigerators and freezers
Efficient use of energy wells for heat pumps
Ejector cooling system
Energy storage in the ground
Heat transfer and pressure drop during evaporation in small plate heat exchangers
Heat transfer and pressure drop inside narrow channels in single and two-phase flow
Nanofluids for heat exchange applications
Air cooling of electronics
CO2 as refrigerant
Enhancement of boiling heat transfer by application of a layer of porous substrate
Refrigeration systems designed for minimum charge
Dynamic heat pump system with capacity control
Micro-engineered/nano-structured surface enhancement for high performance heat exchangers