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英国杜伦大学Grant Ingram副教授讲座信息

发布时间:2017-10-18 浏览量:

应能动学院何坤讲师的邀请,英国杜伦大学Grant Ingram副教授将于2017年10月20日来我院进行交流并做学术报告,届时欢迎各位师生参与交流。


Title: Experimental study of Turbomachinery Aerodynamic Performance: Measurement Capability and MethodsinDurhamUniversity



讲座人:Grant Ingram



Experimental study plays an important role in the design, performance evaluation and improvement of turbo machines. Since the flow in turbomachinery is quite complex, the measurements of the flow fields in the cascade, turbine stages and the other channels are quite challenging in the modern industry. In this lecture,Dr. Grant Ingramwill talk about the details of measurementcapability andmethodsinDurhamUniversity. The measurement strategies and the main results will be introduced and discussed. This lecture can provide some good ideas for whom are doing the experiments and also the numerical simulations in turbomachinery field.


Grant Ingram博士是英国杜伦大学的副教授,英国工程师协会注册工程师。GrantIngram博士于2003年在杜伦大学工程学院获得博士学位,1999年到2004年间在罗罗公司从事高性能透平的设计研究,随后进入纽卡瑟大学开展博士后研究工作。2005年,Grant Ingram博士回到杜伦大学任高级讲师(副教授)。他的研究方向为叶轮机械气体动力学,关注如何从流体力学的角度出发,提高叶轮机械的效率,使得新能源和可再生能源技术更好地得以应用。到目前,他发表了约50篇学术论文,出版了一本专著。

Dr. Grant Ingram is anAssociateProfessor atUniversity of Durham,UK, an Chartered Engineer of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.He obtained the Ph.D. degree in 2003 fromSchoolofEngineering,DurhamUniversity. During 1999 to 2004, he conducted the research of advanced turbine design in Roll-Royce. Then, he moved toNewcastleUniversityas a Research Associate. In 2005, he returned toDurhamUniversityand was promoted to be the Senior Lecturer then.His research focuses on making turbomachinery more efficient and making new and renewable technologies work better - both of which are approached from a fluid mechanics background.Up to present, he has produced around fifty papers and one book either on my own or with co-authors.

