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Extreme waves: observation, generation and forecasting

发布时间:2016-10-25 浏览量:

讲座名称:Extreme waves: observation, generation and forecasting



讲座人:Frédéric DIAS教授

应航天航空学院卢天健教授邀请,爱尔兰都柏林大学访问教授、国际理论与应用力学联盟(IUTAM)秘书长Frédéric DIAS来我校交流并作学术讲座。

报告题目:Extreme waves: observation, generation and forecasting



报告简介: The study of extreme wave events on the ocean is a rapidly expanding area of research worldwide. Although much work in this area is based on modeling and experiments in controlled wave tanks, the starting point of all studies is of course observation in the natural world. During this talk, we will provide some evidence of extreme wave events, describe the main mechanisms for their generation and the state-of-the-art for their forecast.

Frédéric DIAS,Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan大学教授,爱尔兰都柏林大学访问教授,国际力学界最高组织(国际理论与应用力学联盟,IUTAM)的秘书长,上海交通大学客座教授和顾问教授,European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids(Elsevier)杂志的共同主编。他的专长是流体力学,从事研究领域有:波浪动力学、海啸、波浪能、波候、波浪与海洋结构冲击动力学、透平机械等。在Nature PhysicsPhys. Rev. Lett.、J. Fluid Mech.、Annu. Review Fluid Mech、Coast. Eng.、International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids等著名期刊发表论文150余篇


2017 : Invited to write a review inAnnual Review of Fluid Mechanicson slamming

2016 : Elected Member of the Royal Irish Academy – MRIA

2015-2016 : High-end foreign expert of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs –China

2014 : Emilia Valori Prize of the French Academy of Sciences

2013 : Prix ANR du Numérique - Multidisciplinary research - for the MANUREVA project

2012 : Palmes Académiques

2015-2017 : Advisory professor - Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2011-2014 : Guest professor - Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2011-2014 : Honorary professor - Shanghai University

2007 : La Recherche Prize onExtreme waves : from physics to forecasting

2003 : Invitation to write a review inHandbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamicson water waves as a dynamical system

2003 : Invited to write a review inPhysics Reportson one-dimensional wave turbulence

1999 : Invited to write a review inAnnual Review of Fluid Mechanicson capillary-gravity waves

1998 : Edmond Brun Prize of the French Academy of Sciences
