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美国明尼苏达大学德卢斯分校Prof. Nesrin Ozalp

发布时间:2017-08-17 浏览量:


校机械工业工程系Prof. Nesrin Ozalp将于8月19日上午在我院进行访问交流并举办学术讲座,欢


Title: Challenges in design and control of solar reactors

Abstract:Solar energy is sustainable, environmentally benign, and it has great potential

for producing fuels and industrial commodities via high-temperature solar thermochemical

processes. However, there is a major barrier to the economic viability of solar energy to

drive these processes due to fluctuations from sunrise to sunset, variable weather

conditions, and unavailability of solar radiation at night. Most current approaches to

address the transient nature of solar energy employ thermal energy storage to capture

excess energy during peak times and release it during transient/night periods.However,

thermal storage is usually not sufficient to cover unavailable periods that persist longer

than a few days (e.g., due to an extended period of cloudiness). This seminar presents

a novel solar thermochemical system developed by the presenter to produce fuels and

electricity simultaneously with the potential to run at constant efficiency, 24/7 throughout

the year without thermal storage and with robust control system. The system involves a

daytime solar reactor and a night/intermittent time reactor coupled to a carbon fuel cell.

Such a system introduces a substantially new perspective of solar energy and energy storage.

However, the major challenge to make this system work involves particle agglomeration

and deposits that can clog these dual reactors. The presentation demonstrates an approach

to address this problem systematically, including reactor design based on

multi-physics/multi-scale tools, the influence of flow dynamics on heat transfer,and

concluding with the impact of carbonaceous catalysts on heat transfer and fuel production

efficiency. The presentation concludes with the control model developed to maintain

constant temperature from sunrise to sunset.

时 间:2017年8月19日上午9:00-11:00

地 点:东三楼 东汽报告厅

Nesrin Ozalp 教授简介

Nesrin Ozalp教授于华盛顿大学机械工程系获得博士学位,现

就职于美国明尼苏达大学德卢斯分校机械工业工程系。Ozalp教授的主要研究兴趣为设计新型零排放太阳能反应器,作为首席科学家承担的科研项目经费超过400万美元,目前已经发表的国际期刊论文、专著、国际会议论文共计超过80篇,作为共同负责人完成了太阳能碳黑商业化的第一阶段研究工作,目前已指导了21位研究生的毕业论文。Ozalp教授曾被许多著名研究单位邀请并做过超过30次主题报告,其中包括法国国家科研中心(CNRS)、德国航空航天中心(DLR)、苏黎世联邦理工学院(DOE)、Fraunhofer-IWS、北约高级研究研讨会(ARW)、以及荷兰代尔夫特理工大学等。Ozalp教授是美国机械工程师协会(ASME)Fellow,并担任Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications)Frontiers in MechanicalEngineering副主编,多次获研究与教学奖项,其中包括:ASME Heat Transfer领域杰出评阅人奖、德州农工大学校友协会颁发的杰出教学奖等。

联系人:王秋旺 教授 电话:82665539 Email: wangqw@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

