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美国北伊利诺伊大学Milivoje M. Kostic教授学术讲座通知

发布时间:2019-06-17 浏览量:

应热能动力与控制工程系李明佳教授邀请,美国北伊利诺伊大学Milivoje M. Kostic教授将于621号来校进行学术交流并做学术报告,欢迎各位师生参加。

题目:Entropy and the Second Law Misconceptions



报告人:Milivoje M. Kostic教授


The challenges and claims of hypothetical violations of the Second Law of thermodynamics have been a topic of many scientific, philosophical and social publications, even in the most prestigious scientific journals. Fascination with challenging the Second Law has accelerated throughout the development of statistical and quantum physics, and information theory. It is phenomenologically reasoned here that non-equilibrium, useful work-energy is always dissipated to heat, and thus the thermodynamic entropy (a measure of thermal disorder, not any other disorder) is generated always and everywhere, at any scale without exception, including life processes, open systems, micro-fluctuations, gravity or entanglement, etc. Furthermore, entropy cannot be destroyed by any means at any scale (entropy is conserved in ideal processes and irreversibly generated in real processes), and thus, entropy cannot overall decrease, but only overall increase. Creation of ordered structures or live species always dissipate useful energy and generate entropy, without exception, thus without Second Law violation. Entropy destruction would imply spontaneous increase of non-equilibrium, with mass-energy flux displacement against cause-and-effect, natural forces, as well as negate the reversible existence of very equilibrium. In fact, all resolved Challengers’ paradoxes and misleading violations of the Second Law to date, have been resolved in the favor of the Second Law and never against. We are still to witness a single, still open Second Law violation, to be confirmed.


Milivoje KosticMilivoje M. Kostic教授,热力学领域著名学者,北伊利诺伊大学荣誉教授,伊利诺伊州(美国)ASME FellowEntropy杂志主编。研究领域包括能源科学的基础和应用,如微纳技术、节能、能源可持续发展、热力学和传热学的基本原理和应用。作为富布莱特学者(Fulbright Scholar)在伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校获得博士学位,曾工作于美国航空航天局(NASA)、费米国家实验室及阿贡国家实验室。曾受邀为权威的能源百科全书撰写条目,并受邀为多个国际会议、教育机构及公众机构做主题报告。
