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蒙特利尔工学院Miroslav Grmela教授讲座通知

发布时间:2018-09-21 浏览量:

应能源与动力工程学院热科学与工程国际合作实验室何雅玲教授邀请,蒙特利尔大学工学院Miroslav Grmela教授将于2018年9月28日~30日来校进行学术交流并做学术报告,欢迎各位师生参加。

报告题目: Multiscale Heat Transfer


报告时间:2018年9月29日 周六 上午10:00~11:30

邀 请 人:何雅玲 教 授

报告摘要:Heat conduction is investigated on three levels: equilibrium, Fourier, and Cattaneo. The Fourier level is either the point of departure for investigating the approach to equilibrium or the final stage in the investigation of the approach from the Cattaneo level. Both investigations bring to the Fourier level an entropy and a thermodynamics. In the absence of external and internal inuences preventing the approach to equilibrium the entropy that arises in the latter investigation is the production of the classical entropy that arises in the former investigation. If the approach to equilibrium is prevented, then the entropy that arises in the investigation of the approach from the Cattaneo level to the Fourier level still brings to the Fourier level the entropy and the thermodynamics even if the classical entropy and the classical thermodynamics is absent. We also note that vanishing total entropy production as a characterization of equilibrium state is insufficient.


Miroslav Grmela is the Professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering at Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal. His major research interests include geometrical structures of mesoscopic dynamics, thermodynamics and transport processes. Results are applied to molecular simulations, modeling of thermodynamic and rheological properties of polymeric fluids, suspensions and immiscible blends, and non-Fickian diffusion in polymers. He had published more than 200 publications. Since 1975, Professor Grmela has been receiving Discovery Grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and received Prize Grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada in 2014. From 2016 to now, he worked as a visiting professor in Zhou Pei-Yuan Center for Applied Mathematics at Tsinghua University.
