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瑞典Lund大学Bengt Sunden教授报告

发布时间:2014-10-19 浏览量:

应热流科学与工程教育部重点实验室王秋旺教授邀请,瑞典Lund大学热动力工程系主任Bengt Sundén教授于10月18日来我校进行学术访问,将于20日上午9:00,在东三楼东汽报告厅举行Sundén教授学术报告会,题目“ON COMPUTATIONAL PROCEDURES OF TRANSPORT PHENOMENA IN ENERGY EQUIPMENT”。


Energy systems involve many components where fluid flow, heat and mass transfer, chemical and electrochemical reactions are the key transport processes. For design and development as well as investigation of innovative ideas, computational methods are of vital importance. CFD approaches based on the continuum hypothesis have been developed since the 1960s and today many commercial computer codes exist for applications. Nevertheless research is still needed not the least for turbulence modeling, complex geometries and parallel computing. As equipment are becoming very small in scale and important processes take place at nano or microscale, the continuum approach needs to be relaxed and non-continuum methods based on some form of coarse-grained molecular dynamics are needed. In this talk investigations of computational heat transfer, fluid flow and related transport phenomena applied to plate heat exchangers (PHEs), gas turbine heat transfer, and fuel cells (SOFC, SOEC, PEMFC) are highlighted.

Professor Bengt Sundén, Department of Energy Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden,



Sundén教授现为瑞典Lund University教授,热动力工程系主任,ASME Fellow,在紧凑式换热器的强化传热、复杂狭窄及微细通道对流换热的数值模拟及试验研究、包括热辐射在内的与燃烧有关的传热问题、板式换热器内的蒸发及冷凝换热、热成像技术、换热器网络以及燃料电池内的传递现象等研究领域具有很深的造诣,在有影响的国际杂志上发表相关论文200余篇,并多次应邀在国际会议做邀请报告。Sundén教授著有10余本教材和著作,他还是20余种国际杂志的论文评阅人,近10个国际学术组织的委员。自1999年起,他担任International Journal of Heat Exchangers杂志的主编,ASME Journal of Heat Transfer杂志的副主编,英国WIT出版社的系列书–传热进展的主编,第八届传热国际会议的大会主席。
