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瑞典隆德大学Marcus Aldén院士学术讲座通知

发布时间:2022-12-21 浏览量:

报告题目:Development and application of laser diagnostics for combustion studies

报告人:Marcus Aldén 教授



邀请人:黄佐华 教授,蔡骁 博士


Laser diagnostic techniques have for more than five decades been used for gaining a deepened understanding of various combustion processes. The main reason for this is the possibility of non-intrusive measurements of key combustion parameters, e.g. species concentrations, temperatures and velocities, with high spatial and temporal resolution.

The presentation will describe some development of the techniques themselves, followed by applications of relevant diagnostic techniques for studies of combustion phenomena and then more applied activities often related to challenges in an industrial environment.

After a short introduction and background some common laser diagnostic techniques will be briefly described. Then some emerging techniques will be described, e.g. enabling high speed visualization/3D imaging, single ended diagnostics as well as backward lasing. In the category of studies of combustion phenomena, the presentation will focus on diagnostic challenges and applications when studying combustion of some renewable fuels; solid biomass, ammonia and metals. In the field of applied diagnostics, preferably in an industrial environment, examples will be given from IC engines, gas turbines as well as full-scale industrial furnaces.

The presentation will be concluded with a summary and some thoughts about the future.


Marcus Aldén教授瑞典皇家工程学院和皇家科学院两院院士,瑞典隆德大学教授,原燃烧物理系主任,国际燃烧学会金奖获得者(Jürgen Warnatz Gold Medal, 2022)。在燃烧激光诊断方面开展了开创性工作,在燃烧组分场、温度场、速度场以及高分辨、高重频、多维、飞秒测量上产生了众多原创性成果。发展和应用先进光学/激光诊断技术表征流动、燃烧和其他高温反应流。包括线性和非线性激光技术,如Raman/Rayleigh散射、LIFLIPCARSDFWM和偏振光谱等技术用于物质、温度和速度测量。培养了一大批燃烧诊断研究领域的知名学者,在国际上享有盛誉。迄今发表论文450余篇,Google ScholarsH因子高达70。曾多次获得国际会议最佳论文奖,在国际燃烧会议上做Hottel lecture大会报告,曾担任国际燃烧学会副主席,燃烧学顶级期刊Combustion and Flame编委(2003-2008),欧盟多个能源重大研究计划项目的专家组成员。

