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日本德岛大学机械工程系Yoshihiro Deguchi教授短期讲学通知

发布时间:2017-02-21 浏览量:


应热能动力与控制工程系刘继平教授邀请,我院聘请日本德岛大学机械工程系Yoshihiro Deguchi教授来院为研究生短期讲学。以下是受聘学者及所授课程信息,欢迎有兴趣的老师和同学积极参与交流并选修。

课程名称:Applications ofadvanced measurement technologiesonenergy engineering(Course Code:032157)







With the development ofenergy engineering, advanced measurement technologies have become a hot research area in the world. Based on the introduction of key technologies and principle characteristics, the basic concepts and applications of advanced measurement technologies will be discussed in this course.

The contents of this course include:

1. Overview ofenergy transformation process.

In this part, we will review the energy source and energy transformation process in energy engineering and introduce the concept and efficiency of energy cycle.

2. Advanced measurement technologies.

The measurement methods of temperature, concentration, velocity and so on will be introduced. The comparison between conventional measurement methods and laser diagnostics will be discussed in this part.

3. Molecular energy structure.

In this part, we will introduce the molecular energy structure and Boltzmann distribution and energy transfer process.

4. Application of advanced measurement technologies.

Various kinds of laser diagnostics to industrial systems will be introduced in this part, including the principle, geometric arrangement and measurement species, applications to industrial fields and future developments. The advanced measurement technologies on energy engineering will be summarized at the end of this part.


本课程介绍先进测量技术的基本原理和方法以及在能源工程中的应用现状和未来发展趋势,以各种激光测试技术为主。其目的在于使学生掌握各种先进测量技术的基本原理和方法,了解能源工程中各种测量技术的发展过程和最新成果。课程主要内容包括:(1)能源转换过程概述, (2)先进测量技术, (3)分子能级结构, (4)先进测量技术的应用。

任课教师:Yoshihiro Deguchi (日本、德岛大学)

出口祥啓(Yoshihiro Deguchi)教授现为日本德岛大学机械工程系教授,先后在日本三菱重工业集团、德岛大学从事激光测试系统的研究开发工作30余年,如激光诱导荧光(LIF)、拉曼光谱(Raman)、激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)、飞行时间质谱(TOFMS)以及可调谐二极管激光吸收光谱(TDLAS)等多种激光测试技术。除100多项关于激光测试的发明专利外,在Environmental Chemistry、Spectrochimica Acta、Analytical Sciences、Environmental Science and Technology、Applied Spectroscopy、Applied Thermal Engineering及Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry等各类国际学术期刊发表百余篇著名论文。并于2012年出版Industrial Applications of Laser Diagnostics一书。其承担了二十余项科研项目,出口祥啓教授已成为国际上将激光测试技术用于能源动力装置方面享有盛誉的专家。出口祥啓教授现任日本机械学会指导委员会成员及四国地区代表,日本燃烧学会会员,多次获得技术奖及优秀奖。国际激光诱导击穿光谱学会(LIBS)委员,日本LIBS研究协会主席。曾被多次邀请到美国、欧洲、亚洲等多国访问交流。担任多种国际期刊的主编或编委、客座编辑、特约审稿人。同时出口祥啓教授也是我校客座教授。

联系人:王珍珍82667331 zhenzhen-wang@xjtu.edu.cn
